Announcements and Prayer Requests

Promotion Sunday is going to be on September 3rd. We will have a teacher appreciation dinner for our volunteers on September 16th at 6:30PM. Please RSVP to Emily by September 1st.

Camp Big Enough will be on Monday, August 28th at 6:00PM. This will be a fun evening for kids to learn about the big church service. We will have supper together and teach the kids about what goes on during the church service: singing, prayer, offering, sermon, what things are and who does what.

We will be having our annual softball game soon. Stay tuned for the time and date.​

The current needs for the food pantry are cereal, diapers, wipes, bottled water, and hygiene supplies of any kind. ​

Our church is in need of a new building due to growth. We have a New Construction fund with the hopes of building a new Multi-Purpose building behind the church. This building will serve as a meeting place for Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. It will have a basketball gym, a commercial kitchen, Kid Central and more. Please consider contributing to this project as the Lord grows our church. You can give in person, online the link below, or even make a monthly pledge. ​

Prayer Needs